Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 13 - Word Games

I was reading another blog that Bill sent me a while ago. The blog (Sam: Unwritten) is written by another dispatcher from Utah who is also into photography. I have been reading it for the past couple months and I'm kinda hooked. She does not talk much about her dispatch job but when she does it amazes me how every dispatch center is so similar. She is also a good photographer, her and a friend have recently started a photography business. Today she had a link to a game with a purpose.

The Game is called FreeRice, the idea is that for every question you get right the site donates 10 grains of rice to the United Nations to fight hunger. While I normally do not support much of anything the United Nations is involved in, it is a fun game. The site gives you a word and then 4 other words, all you have to do is pick the synonym for the first word. If you get the question right it advances you to the next level, if you get it wrong you go down a level. I played on and off for a couple hours tonight and managed to reach vocabulary level 31 and donate 2,000 grains of rice to the hungry. While I don't think 2,000 grains of rice will save all that much it is fun. Give it a try, let me know how you did.

1 comment:

Krystal The Pistol said...

I saw you doing that last night and was thinking to myself, there is NO WAY you need FREE rice, you get all the OT!