Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 30 - NaBloPoMo Is Over, Again!

I did it again!  I finished my 2nd NaBloPoMo.  I know nobody thought I would finish it last year, who ever thought I could finish it twice.  On the last post from last year I joked about not posting again until March.  Turns out that other than 1 post from Nebraska I was right.  I do not think I will go that long this year, but you never know.

This year was MUCH harder than last year.  I had a busy summer with work and did not take nearly enough time to go out and take some new photos.  I am planning on trying to make more time for photography in the coming months and hopefully will have more photos for next year.  No, I am not saying I will try NaBloPoMo again, but I fully expect that Dave will challenge me again so I might as well be prepared for it.  In fact I will say right now that I will do it again next year if Dave, Bill or Krystal also try it.  If I can do it for 2 years in a row I am sure they can do it once!

Well that is all for NaBloPoMo 2008, see you back here next year ;)


The Father of Five said...

Congrats my friend. You have done another OUTSTANDING job of NaBlPoMo!

Now, if I can just get you to keep up a "once a week" pattern here...

Jeff said...

Dave - Let's shoot for every other week and go from there.

Bill said...

Congrats again Jeff!

I don't know about next we talked about yesterday, I haev a couple ideas (I guess I need 30!) for next November!


Dave? Krystal?

How about all 4 of us try it???

Jeff said...

Bill - I like the idea of all 4 of us trying it next year. If I can do it for 2 years in a row I think you all can do it once!