Saturday, November 01, 2008

Day 1 - NaBloPoMo Again???

Well I did manage to do a post a day for a month last November.  Dave has decided to challenge me again.  Apparently he does not think I can or will do it again.  I think Dave knows that I have trouble turning down challenges and that I will again accept the challenge of posting every day during the month of November.

Now, how to approach the challenge this time?  Last year it was lots of photos, maybe this year no photos for a month?  No, that would be kinda lame for a blog called JDZ Photography.  I do have a new phone that could allow a photo a day kind of post, maybe that will be the tactic.  I have considered writing a 30 word story and posting a word a day, but even Dave would not read that (and let's face it Dave will read pretty much anything that is on a blog).  I have many options to consider, but that is ok because day 1 is done, 29 days left!


Linda said...

Well, that was quite the way to get around post #1 for November!

You're not going to challenge Dave back?

Hmmm ...

Jeff said...

Linda, the challenge to Dave is coming. Check back tomorrow.