Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Polls Are Now Open

Blogger has added a poll feature to the blogs now. I thought I would be the first amongst the several us here at work to have a poll. Since I get a complaint every once in a while about my updating frequency I thought that would make a perfect poll question. You can voice your opinion in the poll on the right side of the page. Let me know what you think!

UPDATE 08/15/07 The polls have closed! I am a little disappointed I mean only 6 votes come on! I think the polling experiment will remain just an experiment.


The Father of Five said...

I think there should be something between choice 2 and 3...

I'm not quite a 2, and not quite a three...

Is there a 2.75 or something like that?? (grin)

Krystal The Pistol said...

Jeff - THIS IS LAME, update your blog already!

The Father of Five said...

Do we need to wait until the the poll is over before we see another update?

The Father of Five said...

Jeff, will we need to wait until the poll is over before another update?