Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 30 - NaBloPoMo is Over!

A few last thoughts on NaBloPoMo:
*Who knew November was such a long month? Couldn't NaBloPoMo take place in February, I mean come on!

*You didn't think I could do it, did you? Don't lie, you did not think there was any shot I would actually complete 30 posts in 30 days. Lets face it before this month I only had 36 posts in over a year. You were not alone.

*It seems very appropriate that I have just about run out of words to say and nearly photos to post tonight.

*Since none of my blogging friends decided to even try NaBloPoMo I don't want to hear anything about my blog not being updated until March now! (just kidding, but seriously it might be late December)

*Does this count as full filling my New Years Resolution to post more often? I am going with yes.

*I have noting further to say on NaBloPoMo at this point.

Looking Ahead, I am going to same training in Nebraska in a couple days I might have some free time to take a few photos that might make up the first non-NaBloPoMo post, we'll see.


The Father of Five said...

Congradulations Jeff!

Krystal The Pistol said...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WTF? ^^^^^^^^^^

I am very proud of you Jeff! You are a fierce competitor!

Jeff said...

Looks like it might be time to turn the comment filter back on. . .

The Father of Five said...

Not a bad plan...

Although.. After my first "barrage" of spam in my comments - I have never received any more...

Jeff said...

Alright then, not the filter but those comments are going bye bye.

If you came this entry late, there were a couple comments left in Portuguese that were less then appropriate.